Let's transform reality...

Of millions of children who need us.

MIA Foundation X Passarellas

Tuesday, December 5, 2023 · The House of Arts | Miami | Florida · 

Shining with Purpose:
Transforming Runways into Opportunities of Hope.

At Mía FoundaZion, we believe in the transformative power of fashion and runways to make a significant impact on the lives of the most vulnerable children. Our events are more than just fashion shows; they are platforms that illuminate the path to a brighter future for those who need our help.

Make a Difference, Be Part of the Change: We invite you to be part of this narrative of hope and transformation. Your support can make a difference in the life of a child in need. How can you contribute?"

  • Generously Donate: Every contribution matters. Make a donation and be the light that guides these children towards a more promising future.

  • Attend Our Events: Stay tuned for our upcoming fashion shows and events. Attending is not only a unique experience but also a way to directly support our cause.

  • Become an Ally: Explore the three support options: Impact Ambassador, Humanitarian Ally, or Friend Donor. Become a change companion and help build a better world.

We are a non-profit foundation.

Small Steps,

Big Changes.

In our mission to be a light in the darkness for the most vulnerable and underprivileged children around the world, we are dedicated to forging a bright educational future.


Light in the dark for the most vulnerable children

We are a non-profit foundation.

Welcome to MIA FOUNDAZION, a beacon of hope and change in the global educational landscape. We are more than just a foundation; we are a community committed to the idea of being a light in the darkness for the most vulnerable and underprivileged children worldwide. At Mía, we forge the future through education, firmly believing that small steps can bring about significant changes.

At MIA FOUNDAZION, we are weaving a tapestry of educational opportunities, where creativity and imagination are powerful tools to overcome challenges. Join us on this journey towards a bright educational future. We are the spark that ignites change, illuminating minds and transforming lives.

Welcome to MIA FOUNDAZION, where every small step makes a big difference!

Michell Roxana Castellanos: Inspiration for Change."

Leadership Guided by God to Help Others. Miss Earth Venezuela 2019

At the forefront of MIA FOUNDAZION At the forefront is our beloved president, Michell Roxana Castellanos, a visionary leader dedicated to transforming lives through education. Her tireless commitment and inspiring vision have been internationally recognized, placing her as a prominent figure in the Global Women Leaders Conference in locations such as Dubai, London, and the Dominican Republic.


Helping is our passion.


We are committed to the mission of creating educational opportunities that transform lives. Our work focuses on being a light in the darkness for the most vulnerable and underprivileged children around the world.

Explore the various facets of our work and join us on this journey towards building strong foundations for a better world. At MIA FOUNDAZION, every effort counts, every small step makes a big difference. Discover how we are changing the world, one child at a time!

Our Approach:

Happy Children with Infinite Opportunities.

Building Smiles, Forging Bright Futures.

At MIA FOUNDAZIONour approach is clear: we aim not only to provide educational opportunities, but also to cultivate the happiness in the heart of every child. We believe that joy and access to opportunities go hand in hand, creating an environment conducive to growth and holistic development. Discover how we are building smiles and forging bright futures through our unwavering commitment to the education and emotional well-being of the most vulnerable children. Join us in the pursuit of a world where every child has the opportunity to be happy and reach their full potential!


Get involved in our foundation.

Becoming the spark of change is easier than you think!

At MIA FOUNDAZION, we believe in the power of collaboration and generosity to transform lives.

You have three meaningful ways to join our cause and make a difference in the lives of thousands of boys and girls:

Friend Donors.

Prefer to make a difference through a financial contribution? Join the family and make a voluntary donation according to your capacity. Every contribution is a seed that will cultivate educational opportunities for the most needy children.

Humanitarian Allies.

If you possess the valuable gift of time and dedication, join us as a Humanitarian Ally.
Your effort and commitment are the driving force behind our cause, bringing the vision of MIA FOUNDAZION to reality. 

Impact Ambassadors.

Elevate your impact to the next level by becoming an Ambassador.
Entrepreneurs with a selfless vision, your participation is crucial in building bridges toward a bright educational future.

Years of experience
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Luz en la oscuridad para los niños más vulnerables.


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